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瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
  • It’s Awesome:
    Travelling just gives such a general sense of ‘WOW’. All the different experiences (both good and bad) just make you feel alive and part of this wonderful world.
  • Experience Different Cultures:
    Living in one place for a long time (or all your life) can lead you to believe that everyone else has the same customs and habits. Venturing out to other countries with different cultures to yours can be really eye-opening. The ways in which people live throughout the world are truly fascinating.
  • Endless Choices and Possibilities:
    There are 195 official countries in the world. When travelling, you have hundreds of choices of where to go, how long to stay and what to do. You can go to a place for adventure, sports, culture, work or just total relaxation. You can even make it a combination of all of the above.
  • You Will Grow As a Person:
    Whoever you think you are right now and whatever you think you want from life right now will change if you travel for a long time. You will see the world, experience different cultures and meet many people. You will learn much about yourself and your expectations and goals in life may just change completely.
  • Better Social Skills:

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