4. Tell me about a time when

(Fill in with situations relevant to the position. For instance: Tell me about

when you had to take initiative … you had to deal with a difficult customer …

you had to respond to a crisis … you had to give difficult feedback to an

employee … You get the idea.)

5. Describe a situation where you worked in a team


有學員詢問關於以上這兩個在英文面談準備資料中提供的參考問題... 問得很好唷!:)






Tell me about a time when... 是一個美國在面談時愛用的問法,問的是對於棘手或是難題出現時危機處理能力,例如問Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a co-worker who wasn't doing his/her fair share of the work. What did you do and what was the outcome?,最佳的回答方式是舉過去親身的經驗而非假設性的回答,若是你在工作中沒有遇過,那就想想看是否在志工的經驗裡有遇過,或是在校內課業上類似的情形,而我的回答可能會是:Four of us were doing a school project as team last semester. We had a team member who wasn't being very productive. My other team members wanted to kick him out, I did not agree initially and proposed that we should have a meeting with him before we made our final decision. I am glad we had the meeting. His mother was sick in the hospital. He had to take care of her and his little sister at the same time. So we rearranged our schedule to accommodate him and all worked harder to achieve our goals. We turned in our project on time and got a good grade.


Tell me about a time when... 對於WAT學生而言算是比較進階版的面談問題,問到的機會並不高,但在準備時我們傾向更充分,尤其是此次美方在英文面談採較嚴苛的篩選,難保他們會出些難題...


而Describe a situation where you worked in a team也可能會用Tell me about a time when...的方式來問你唷!Tell me about a time when you had to work with a team to accomplish something.








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